Once upon a time a young dancer (but older than most) attempted to take a workshop from the father of this grand showcase, Keith Elliot. Way beyond my comprehension of what I knew about dance, Keith was skilled and had so much character. He made dancing fun, adventurous, and unique. It was unlike the dancing “norms” you thought you had seen growing up, but that was the purpose of art. A transitional, ever-fleeting, interpretation of what dance was to one person.
The showcase was created to rally dancers to take an active role in preventing the spread of AIDS, after losing too many close friends and dance colleagues. This was an opportunity to raise money and clearly Dance for Life. 32 Chicago-based professional dance companies and choreographers have presented at the reputable show to validate its unique and diverse talent. This year’s lineup included:
Joffrey Ballet
Giordano Dance Chicago
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
Chicago Dance Crash
Visceral Dance Chicago
and World Premiers from:
Harrison McEldowney
Randy Duncan
There were also special tributes throughout the evening to honor long-time supporters of Dancer for Life Fred Eychaner, Barbara Kipper, Scott Silberstein and Matt Hoffman of HMS Media. The performances were both vibrant and unique. An opening piece, Sing, Sing, Sing displayed a treasured number from Gus Giordano or often referenced to as Mr. G. Heartwarming and also nostalgic performances from the Joffrey, while newcomers Visceral Dance brought a brilliant contemporary piece set to a live percussionist. Chicago Dance Crash surprised and moved the audience with what felt like a street style contemporary; both edgy and lucid technique. The finale to act 1 is why I mentioned Prince. The piece was called, Purple Medley and had a handful of Prince songs paired with thoughtful and innovative performances that the Purple One himself would have loved. The 2nd act was equally as revitalizing and joyous with another happy performance from Giordano Dance called Alegria that had the crowd excited and cheering.
Randy Duncan had held open auditions to Chicago dancers for his finale piece in the show titled,Depth of Light. It was moving and maybe even a bit tribal which created some intimate connections to people and maybe even nature. Rounding up the show with this finale certainly had the audience to its feet, myself included.
Throughout the night we were entertained with some comedy from actors of The Second City. They provided some breakup to the show while honoring what the show represented (some hilarious Trump jabs too) and showcasing some of the incredible merchandise available for purchase.
I’ve said it before that uniting the city during an uncomfortable time of unrest truly sheds hope onto aching hearts. Art has a tremendous way of stirring up the inner light within us, and to project our hearts onto different mediums while creating a desire for progress. I applaud the remarkable talent in Chicago and its passion to create change and awareness. Congratulations to Keith Elliot and Dance for Life on an astounding 25 years!
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